This quilt was inspired by my children, William (11) and Tony (8). They described to me their perfect magical world and this is a visual representation of their verbal description. If you look carefully through out the quilt you can find sleeping beauty, Rapunzel, Jack's bean stalk, the sword in the stone just to name a few. Also present are dragons, griffins, and a sea serpent. Included in the quilting are fish in the moat and the man in the wind. The back ground is filled with a variety of menindi designs, and freehand feathers. This quilt won Honorable mention in the Theme category at MQS 2011, Honorable mention at MQ Today 2012, 3rd at HMQS 2012 and 3rd At MQX West 2012 and 1st at the NE state Fair. It was also juried in to IQA Houston, MAQF, Road to California, and QWM.
William and Ton'y Magical World copyright K. Vierra 2011